Dec. 1996

BATHTUB/FLUX/PROFILE model system is designed to simplify procedures for assessment and prediction of eutrophication-related water quality conditions in reservoirs and lakes.

  Eutrophication can be defined as the nutritional enrichment of water bodies leading to an excessive production of organic materials by algae and/or aquatic plants. This process has several direct and indirect impacts on reservoir/lake water quality and beneficial uses.

The model system is to designed to relate eutrophication symptoms to external nutrient loadings, hydrology, and reservoir/lake morphometry using statistical methods derived from a representative cross section of water bodies. For exisitng reservoirs, the relationships provide a framework for interpreting water quality monitoring data andd predicting effects of future changes in external nutrient loadings. The model system can also be used to predict water quality conditions in a proposed reservoir.

BATHTUB is designed for implementing nutrient balance models and empirical eutrophication response models in a spatially segmented hydraulic network such as lakes and reservoirs which accounts for advective transport, diffusuve transport, and nutrient sedimentation. The program includes several empirical techniques for predicting nutrient sedimentation and eutrophication response. These techniques have been developed and tested using monitoring data from reservoirs by USACE.

FLUX is designed for estimating tributary nutrient loadings from grab-sample concentration data and ccontinuous flow records using a variety of calculation methods which permit quantification of potential errors and evaluation of alternative sampling program designs.

BATHTUB develops steady-state water & nutrient balances for spatially -segmented reservoirs with defined tributary and atmospheric inputs. Eutrophication-related water quality responses (chlorophyll-a, transparency, organic nitrogen, hypolimnetic oxygen depletion, etc.) are predicted based upon predicted nutrient levels, reservoir morphometry, & hydologic factors. Other factors such as

  1. nonlinear nutrient sedimentation kinetics
  2. algae growth limitation by phosphorous, nitrogen, light, and flushing rate
  3. inflow nutrient partitioning (bioavailability of dissolved versus particulate loadings
  4. seasonal variations in loadings and morphoometry
  5. spatial variations in nutrients and related trophic state indicators

The segmented model can be applied to single reservoir (mixed or spatially mixed), partial reservoirs (embayments, separate tributary arms), networks of reservoirs (hydrologically linked), or collections of reservoirs (hydrologically independent).

Error analyses quantify effects of input variable uncertainty & model error on predicted values. To reflect input data limitations and inherent model errors, inputs and outputs can be expressed in probablistic terms.

Model Limitations:

Applications of BATHTUB are limited to steady-state evaluations of relations between nutrient loading, transparency and hydrology, and eutrophication responses. Short-term responses and effects related to structural modifications or responses to variables other than nutrients can not be explicitly evaluated.

File Size Download
BATHTUB/FLUX/PROFILE Installation Guide  
BATHTUB/FLUX/PROFILE models (without user manuals) 0.72 MB

The models were written for and are distributed by the Corps. of Engineers Waterways Experiment Station (WES). Please contact WES for requesting a User manual. (Tel. (601) 634-3659)

For the ODU site only, documentations and user manuals are available from Dr. Jaewan Yoon at KH 130.